+86-571-89730990, +86-571-89730991 [email protected],[email protected]

PCB Prototype

Quick-turn prototype PCB with low cost.read more

Layers: 1-8

Quantity: 5-1000 pcs.

Quality Grade: Standard IPC 2

Lead time: 2-9 days

Material: FR4

Standard PCB Fab

Full feature FR4 PCB fabrication.
read more

Layers: 1-32

Quantity: 1-1million pcs.

Quality Grade: Standard IPC2

Lead time: 2 days-5 weeks

Material: FR4

Advanced PCB Fab

Complex PCBs leading to your applica-tions’ best performance. read more

Layers: 1-32

Quantity: 1-1million pcs.

Quality Grade: Standard IPC3

Lead time: 12-15 days

Type: Flex, Rogers, Alu, etc.

PCB AssemblyHOT

One-stop PCB assembly service.
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Fulfillment: Turnkey or consigned

Quantity: 1-10,000+pcs.

Quality Grade: IPC3

Lead time: as short as 2 days

Other: AOI. X-ray SPI, ICT

PCB Services

pcbcart PCB Manufacturing
Quality Assurance
Customer Satisfaction
Secure Transaction

PCB Manufacturing

PCBCart offers full-feature PCB
production services with high reliability
to be totally compatible with your requirement.Business covers rigid FR4
PCBs, HDI PCBs, FPC, Aluminum PCBs, Rogers PCBs, etc. Learn More
  • Expanded manufacturing capabilities
  • Rigorous quality control options
  • Value-added options: FREE DFM and more
  • Online quote and order system
pcb assembly services
Lead time

PCB Assembly

Covering PCB fabrication, parts sourcing, SMT and/or THT assembly, PCBCart’s one-stop turnkey PCBA services can be flexibly combined to meet your project’s scope, quality, schedule and budget needs. Learn More
  • 01005, 0201, 0.4mm pitch BGA
  • AOI, X-ray, FAI, Flying probe
  • Certified components sourcing
  • Box build assembly, IC programming

Advanced PCB Fab Capability

pcbcart Flex-Rigid PCB

Flex-Rigid PCB

Layers: 6             Application: Medical
Board thickness: 1.0mm
Min. annular ring: 3.5mil
Min. via diameter: 0.2mm
Board size: 2.32×2.28inch
Min. trace/space: 10/5.2mil
Surface finish: ENIG (RoHS)
pcbcart Flex-Rigid PCB

Heavy copper PCB

Layers: 12             Copper weight: 5.5oz
Board thickness: 3.0mm
Min. annular ring: 6.625mil
Min. via diameter: 0.3mm
Board size: 5.19×4.86inch
Surface finish: ENIG (RoHS)
Application: Industrial control
Min. trace/space: 10/9.75mil
pcbcart Flex-Rigid PCB

24-layer HDI PCB

Layers: 24             Board thickness: 2.8mm
Min. annular ring: 4.53mil
Min. via diameter: 0.1mm
Board size: 3.54×2.75inch
Min. trace/space: 5.2/2.8mil
Surface finish: ENIG (RoHS)
Application: Communication

With 20 years of dedication and innovation, PCBCart stands as a top PCB manufacturing supplier, offering exceptional PCB Assembly and Layout services tailored to meet your specific needs with high quality and precision.


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in 120+ countries


different part numbers
delivered annually


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Printed Circuit Board Blog Center

A Comprehensive Introduction on Aluminum PCBs

Introduction on Aluminum PCBs and MCPCBs. PCBCart offers custom Aluminum printed circuit boards manufacturing and assembly service. Reach us to get free and quick PCB price!

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BGA Components and Their Soldering Technologies in SMT Assembly

Classifications and properties of BGA components, and their soldering technologies in SMT Assembly. PCBCart offers quality guaranteed BGA Components assembly service. Reach us for FREE quote!

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Surface Mount Assembly Procedure of PoP Components

Package-on-package PCB Assembly procedure. PCBCart offers PoP Assembly service, drop a line to see how we can help with your custom PCB project. Quotation is always free and quick.

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Mrs.Annie Katy Houston

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